Darkroom Diary

I am excited that you are interested in traditional analog photography. I am pleased to share everything I know about creating handmade photographs using traditional analog methods with you.

I publish the videos on my YouTube Channel so you can watch them anytime and from anywhere in the world.

Membership Benefits

1 – You can ask me any technical or creative question you would like, and I provide you with a quality and thoughtful response. With over 40 years of experience in the darkroom, I am happy to help you in any way I can.

2 – A lot of the time, there are tip sheets, formulas, and other useful information that are very helpful that go along with the videos. As a member, I share all of this valuable information with you. You will get notified via email when new content is available.

3 – As a member, you can request custom videos and tutorials. I will always do my best to create the video for you or create a detailed email to help you with your request.

With your membership, you are supporting a fellow analog photographer. Being part of something bigger than yourself is always a good feeling, and I appreciate your support.

I’d like you to welcome aboard and be sure to reach out and say hello.

Tim Layton